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Mangotsfield Secondary

  • Year 9 Parents Evening - Booking go live at 6pm on Thursday 9th January 


Careers (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance)

The Parents' Guide to National Careers Week 2023 click here

CEIAG Curriculum and Strategy

The Careers Curriculum at Mangotsfield raises aspirations and supports our students to achieve their full potential. 

Through Years 7 to 11 students will take part in a  programme of careers education events and activities which will enable them to research jobs, future education and careers pathways and the labour market,  as well as research and make decisions at key progression points.  The programme is designed in accordance with the Gatsby Benchmarks  and is reviewed and evaluated each academic year. 

CEAIG - Embodying the Mangotsfield Way - How does our careers curriculum develop to ensure that students make the best choices and have the best chances for their futures? 

Love learning

The  ‘Motivated to Achieve ‘ Research document of 2019 shows there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between a sustained career programme and motivation to study harder. Students in the intervention group reported, on average, a 9% higher increase in their weekly revision hours than peers in the control group. This increase in hours spent working independently improved motivation and the students' love of learning.

Embrace challenge

The ‘Motivated to Achieve’ Research found that the majority of students reported the employer career talks helped them have more positive attitudes towards themselves and their education. On average, 71% of students stated the talks impacted on their attitudes towards school, work and their own abilities, with 83% stating it helped them understand the link between education and work. Over 70% of participants said the talks made them more motivated at school to some extent, with a small but significant group of people saying it made them a lot more motivated for exams (22%) and a lot more positive towards school (17%): the students were able to embrace the challenges positively.

Show and earn respect

The ‘Motivated to Achieve’ research also  found that, of the students who took part in three extra career talks, those who were initially more sceptical of the value of the education reported a greater increase in motivation to study harder.  Giving the most vulnerable students an opportunity to experience and explore what is available to them Post 16 helps to develop a respect for their learning and for others.   

Value community

The CBI Pearson Education and Skills Survey reported that businesses look first and foremost at attitudes and personal qualities when recruiting. For more than half (55%) it ranks as the single most important factor.  Developing students’ employability skills ensures that they are able to be active citizens and contribute fully and valuably to their community.

Our CEAIG curriculum

In Key Stage 3 students at Mangotsfield students will experience careers education in their subject areas, within the PSHE Curriculum as well as through  participation in events delivered and supported by visitors to the school such as employers, universities, education and training providers. 

Building on careers education in primary school, In PSHE in Year 7 students will explore careers and future options. These sessions will harness the aspirations and dream jobs of early age and encourage exploring of these and other types of jobs and job sectors and begin to consider progression routes and higher education. 

In Year 8 students will begin to identify and recognise employability skills – what are they, which do I have and how they can they be developed. Students will also begin to look at skills in relation to job roles and sectors of their interest. 

In the Year 9 careers programme, students will further develop their awareness of employability skills and consider career opportunities in the context of local, nation and global labour market information (LMI), changing trends as well as debating gender and pay issues. Students will consider their own GCSE options linked to possible future study and career paths. 

Careers Learning in Key Stage 3 will involve students using the Careerpilot website, attending talks on Higher Education and engaging with employers during National Careers Week and other events. Example events during the year include BAE Stem Roadshow, Year 7 and 8 Careers Carousel, Employers Talks, First Give Project, Flying Start Challenge, Renishaw Girls Into Engineering Workshop.

The Key Stage 4 careers programme will build on prior learning and experiences in Key Stage 3 and during Year 10 students will prepare for and take part in a work experience programme. Students will consider the positive impact of work experience on their employability skills and how work experience will support their research and decision making for their choices after Year 11.

n Year 11 students will be researching options and pathways making applications for Post 16 courses and training. Students will attend a series of school based talks and assemblies delivered by education providers, apprenticeship and training providers. Post 16 Providers attend a Year 11 information evening  and information regarding open events and opportunities is circulated. Every student will also have a one to one meeting with our careers guidance staff to discuss their plans for the future.

Provider Access Legislation Statement 2023

The Provider Access Legislation aims to help learners understand and apply for both apprenticeships and a broad range of technical education options including t-levels.

It specifies schools must provide encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education for all their students:

-Two encounters for pupils during the `first key phase` (year 8 or 9) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend.

-Two encounters for pupils during the `second key phase` (year 10 or 11) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend.

Mangotsfield School's policy statement on provider access can be viewed by clicking here

Over 98% of students had an intended destination in education, employment or training.

Your role as partners in CEIAG

Teachers and School Staff – To provide learners with opportunities to discover and learn about careers and employability, engage with the wider business community and with employers inside and outside of the classroom. To link schemes of learning with the world of work and, as mentors, to discuss experiences, skills development and progression with students.

Students – To engage with CEIAG events and learning opportunities, ask questions, research and discover all they can about future possibilities. Evaluate skills and experience gained through participating in careers events..

Parents/Carers – To be aware of the CEIAG events and engage in the events and discussion about careers, progression and opportunities. To use CEIAG resources and websites to help support at home.

Employers and the wider community – We would love to hear from you if you could support the school either by helping with a CEIAG event at the school, at your place of work or by offering work experience. Please contact Carey Phillips on carey.phillips@cset.co.uk

Carey Phillips is the Careers Co-ordinator at Mangotsfield and is a first point of reference at the school. Miss Phillips is available on 01454 805121.  Gemma Lenon is the Senior Leadership Team lead on CEIAG and Nina Streeting is School Governor for Careers.

Compass Careers 

We also have Careers Guidance Partners who work with us and our students who are Level 6 and Matrix qualified.  We offer one to one careers interviews for students to provide advice and guidance on transition and progression and to ensure students have confirmed destinations when they leave the school.  This year our external careers guidance partner is Zara Mee from Compass Careers who is in school on a Wednesday each week.

West of England Careers Hub

Mangotsfield School is part of the West of England Careers Hub which supports careers education in schools. Our Enterprise  Coordinator is Sally Larkin and our school Enterprise Advisor is Lydia Dowding. 

Careerometer - Labour Market Information

Use this tool to look up average salaries and labour market information to help research career and course choices.

Careers Websites

Further Education

Downend and Mangotsfield Sixth Form  www.downend.com/Sixth-Form/

City of Bristol College www.cityofbristol.ac.uk

South Gloucestershire and Stroud College www.sgscol.ac.uk

City of Bath College www.citybathcoll.ac.uk

Hartpury College (Gloucestershire) www.hartpury.ac.uk

Wiltshire College including Lackham and Chippenham www.wiltshire.ac.uk

St. Brendan’s Sixth Form College www.stbrn.ac.uk

Weston College www.weston.ac.uk

Cathedral Sixth Form bccs.bristol.sch.uk/sixth-form/

St Mary Redcliffe Sixth Form www.smrt.bristol.sch.uk/sixth-form

Access Creative www.accesscreative.co.uk/campuses/bristol/

Boom Satsuma www.boomsatsuma.education/

T Levels www.gov.uk/government/publications/introduction-of-t-levels/introduction-of-t-levels/ 

More information on providers is available on the Career Pilot website www.careerpilot.org.uk/providers.


Higher Education

www.prospects.ac.uk – guide to graduate careers/career planner

www.ucas.com  - information and advice regarding Higher Education courses in UK

www.digital.ucas.com/search  - search tool for university courses and entry requirements.

www.open.ac.uk  – part time study with the Open University

www.futurelearn.com  – free on line courses (MOOCS)

www.futurequest.org.uk/ - higher education, well-being and careers support


Careers Information

www.nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/   - information on 800 careers, Job Profiles, Skills Health Check (what jobs could suit)

www.careerpilot.org.uk   - excellent web resource for careers information, advice and labour market information

www.icould.com/ - videos and quizzes to explore careers

www.education.gov.uk/get-into-teaching  - training/routes into teaching

www.healthcareers.nhs.uk – NHS careers and training

www.stepintothenhs.nhs.uk  – how to get started in a career in NHS

www.goconstruct.org  – information about careers in construction

www.wearencs.com/ - NCS National Citizen Service Youth Programme

 www.springpod.com/ - Virtual work experience and university course experiences


Apprenticeships and Employment information

www.apprenticeships.gov.uk/  General apprenticeships information for students and employers

www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch – search for apprenticeship vacancies

www.apprenticeships.gov.uk/ - information and advice about apprenticeships

www.gov.uk/find-a-job –job search facility

www.notgoingtouni.co.uk – paid alternatives to university

www.jobs.nhs.uk  – jobs in the NHS

www.youthemployment.org.uk/ - job hunting tips, careers advice for young people 


Gap year




Please contact Miss Phillips for further information or assistance.
