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Part of castle school education trust

"Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Mangotsfield Secondary

  • Year 10 Parents Evening - Thursday 13th February 4pm - 7pm - Please book via Website...........Year 8 HPV's Vaccinations - Wednesday 26th February - Please complete your consent form.

our curriculum 

At Mangotsfield School we believe that the curriculum is central to our aim of developing students who love learning, embrace challenge, show and earn respect and value community. Our knowledge rich, ambitious and culturally broad curriculum is designed so that learners can deliberately acquire the skills and characteristics needed to thrive in our modern world. We believe learning should be engaging. To that end, we have carefully crafted our curriculum to give our students breadth and balance, underpinned by deliberate development of our core values.

Our school’s values are embedded both in and outside the classroom.

Love Learning – we develop our students into learners who are determined to make excellent progress in school and beyond. We want them to have a passion for learning.

Embrace Challenge – we  develop resilient, confident and ambitious individuals who are able to aim high, learn from mistakes and live safe, healthy and happy lives.

Show and Earn Respect  - we maintain a culture of respect in and around our school by ensuring that students have a voice, that respectful behaviour is celebrated and that relationships are modelled to serve our students in later life.

Value Community – we  develop responsible and well-informed citizens who develop the characteristics required to make a positive contribution to the world.

Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9)

At Mangotsfield School we are clear that the purpose of Key Stage 3 is:

  • To build on the previous experiences of learners
  • To prepare learners for the next stage
  • To inspire a love of learning
  • To enable learners to make links across subject boundaries

 The length of Key Stage 3 is three years with GCSEs and equivalent Level 2 courses starting formally in Year 10.

All students at Mangotsfield School will study a broad and ambitious Key Stage 3 curriculum consisting of:






Religious Studies 

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education 

Physical Education

Modern Foreign Languages (German and French)




Design & Technology

ICT and Computer Science

Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)

Our Key Stage 4 curriculum is designed to provide a range of Learning Pathways to enable students to tailor their programme to their strengths, interests and future aspirations.

Our compulsory curriculum provides a broad and ambitious range of courses which will be enhanced by the subjects chosen during the option pathway process in Year 9.

We are continually reviewing our curriculum to ensure it prepares our students for the demands of the 21st century.

For specific course information, please see the ‘Departments’ area of the website and then click on the desired department. 

Core Curriculum-

Compulsory Subjects

English Language GCSE

English Literature GCSE

Mathematics GCSE

Science GCSE (Combined Science Trilogy & Triple Science)

Geography or History GCSE

Religious Studies (Core)

Physical Education (Core)


Optional Subjects

Art and Design: Art GCSE

Art and Design: Three Dimensional Art and Design

Art and Design Textiles

Business and Enterprise

Computer Science

Dance Performing Arts BTEC

Drama GCSE

Design and Technology GCSE


Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE

French GCSE

German GCSE

Health and Social Care BTEC

Media Studies GCSE

RSL Music

Photography GCSE

Physical Education GCSE

Religious Studies Full Course GCSE

BTEC Sport Tech Award, Sport, Activity and Fitness.

Mangotsfield School Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Implementation

Curriculum Impact

Our curriculum has been designed to:

  • Be knowledge rich, ambitious and culturally broad 
  • Be broad and balanced
  • Enable strong progress and examination outcomes which lead to positive progression and excellent life choices and chances
  • Be engaging, relevant to our context, and delivered so that students acquire and retain substantive disciplinary knowledge
  • Be comprehensively planned so that students acquire sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment
  • Meet the needs of all learners
  • Encourage a love of lifelong learning
  • Provide opportunities for personal development in the classroom, including creativity
  • Provide opportunities for personal development beyond the classroom through enrichment and extra-curricular activities so that cultural capital is maximised
  • Develop our shared “British values” of democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance, and the rule of law

Curriculum planning which:

  • Delivers the knowledge rich, ambitious and culturally broad subject curriculum.
  • Ensures that engaging lessons are planned and challenge all learners
  • Makes clear what is to be taught, when and how
  • Is framed around key concepts and driving questions
  • Uses interleaving to facilitate retention of knowledge
  • Builds knowledge sequentially
  • Builds independence 
  • Has literacy at its heart.

Curriculum impact which:

  • Gives our students the best starting point for their future through ensuring they make strong progress throughout school
  • Ensures that students have choice and can make positive progression in 16+ options
  • Ensures strong literacy, numeracy and oracy skills
  • Builds a strong social and moral base.

Mangotsfield Way (T&L framework) to ensure all learning:

Resulting in learners who:

  • Effectively frames the lesson around a driving question so that students understand the purpose of their learning
  • Embed key vocabulary so that students are able to articulate or explain their learning in a concise way
  • Grow  independent learning in the classroom and at home so that students can confidently recall knowledge
  • Develop oracy skills so that students can rehearse, embed and extend their learning
  • Provide opportunities to enhance literacy and numeracy skills 
  • Explicitly personalise learning so that gaps are closed
  • Use questioning (oral, quizzing, hinge) to understand what learning has taken place so that any misconceptions can be quickly addressed
  • Use modelling (I, we, you) to establish success criteria so that students understand how to succeed
  • Share success criteria with students when applicable so that they understand how to challenge themselves 
  • Utilise consistent marking and feedback strategies so that gaps are closed
  • Use data to teach responsively and to design schemes of learning which provide opportunities for interleaving, recall and application.
  • Make strong academic progress
  • Develop good literacy and numeracy skills
  • Make positive progression (16/ +18)
  • Develop social and cultural capital
  • Use high-quality and impartial careers advice to make well-informed next-step choices
  • Develop a strong sense of British values
  • Have well developed SMSC
  • Well informed on how to keep themselves safe and health

Evidenced by learners who:

  • Love learning – engaged in lessons, determined and curious
  • Embrace challenge – resilient, confident and ambitious 
  • Show and earn respect  - maintaining excellent relationships
  • Value community – developing responsible and well-informed citizens.



At Mangotsfield School we feel it is essential that students understand the core British Values that our society is built on.

According to Ofsted, 'fundamental British values' are:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

There is a clear emphasis on developing students' Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural understanding (SMSC).

Through our curriculum (this includes our tutorial programme) we strive to:

  • enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
  • enable students to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England
  • encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely
  • enable students to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England
  • further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation for and respect for their own and other cultures
  • encourage respect for other people, and
  • encourage respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic processes, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in England.