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Mangotsfield Secondary

  • Year 9 Parents Evening - Booking go live at 6pm on Thursday 9th January 

Design & Technology

Why do we study Design & Technology?

Our capability in Design and Technology develops best through a planned programme of focused learning units. We develop design and making skills, and extend our students' knowledge and understanding simultaneously. Some units of work might be more about the development of skills or the acquisition of knowledge whilst other units are more about the application of these skills and knowledge. A varied programme of learning through units of varying length and focus provide variety, pace and interest for students.

By applying their love of learning to ever-increasing contexts, we enable our students to demonstrate the development of their depth of learning and mastery.

Lessons and learning in design and technology should not become a predictable formula for students but something that constantly changes pace, focus, and direction in much the same way that this happens in the real world of design. We ensure that the curriculum constantly challenges and excites students with rich and varied experiences which stimulate creative and innovative responses.

Meet the team

  • Mr Williams - Head of DT
  • Mr Crichton - Teacher of DT and Engineering
  • Ms King - Teacher of DT
  • Ms Finch - Teacher of DT
  • Ms Markwell - Teacher of DT
  • Mrs Sacket - Teacher of DT
  • Mr Ludlow - DT Technician

Course: AQA Design & Technology GCSE

This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams and submit all their non-exam assessments at the end of the course.

Subject content

  • 1. Core technical principles
  • 2. Specialist technical principles
  • 3. Designing and making principles

How it’s assessed

  • Written exam; 2 hours
  • 100 marks
  • 50% of GCSE


Section A – Core technical principles (20 marks)
A mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions assessing a breadth of technical knowledge and understanding.

Section B – Specialist technical principles (30 marks)
Several short answer questions (2–5 marks) and one extended response to assess a more in depth knowledge of technical principles.

Section C – Designing and making principles (50 marks)
A mixture of short answer and extended response questions.

Non Exam Assessment (NEA)
How it's assessed

  • Non-exam assessment (NEA): 30–35 hours approx
  • 100 marks
  • 50% of GCSE


  • Substantial design and make task
  • Assessment criteria:
    • Identifying and investigating design possibilities
    • Producing a design brief and specification
    • Generating design ideas
    • Developing design ideas
    • Realising design ideas
    • Analysing & evaluating

In the spirit of the iterative design process, the above should be awarded holistically where they take place and not in a linear manner.

  • Contextual challenges to be released annually by AQA on 1 June in the year prior to the submission of the NEA
  • Students will produce a prototype and a portfolio of evidence
  • Work will be marked by teachers and moderated by AQA

GCSE Programme of Study

Year 10

Term 1: Sustainability in Design

Term 2: New and emerging technologies

Term 3: Energy, materials, systems, and devices

Term 4: Common specialist technical principles

Term 5: Materials, Woods, Metals, Polymers

Term 6: NEA Contextual Challenge Release (June 1st) - Identifying and investigating design possibilities.

Year 11

Term 1: NEA - Producing a design brief and specification, Generating design ideas

Term 2: Developing design ideas

Term 3&4: Realising design ideas. Analysing & evaluating

Term 5: Revision


CGP Books
Grade 9-1 Design & Technology AQA Complete Revision & Practice (with Online Edition) | CGP Books




In KS4 students are given extended homework such as exam questions, reading from the revision guide, and mind map/revision card creation.

Enrichment Opportunities in Design & Technology

In our DT department, we make an effort to enrich our students' experiences. For example, there has been a combined Food and DT trip to New York.