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Part of castle school education trust

"Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Mangotsfield Secondary

  • Year 10 Parents Evening - Thursday 13th February 4pm - 7pm - Please book via Website...........Year 8 HPV's Vaccinations - Wednesday 26th February - Please complete your consent form.


Meet the team

  • Mr Williams - Head of DT
  • Mr Crichton - Teacher of DT & Engineering
  • Mrs Daniel - Teacher of DT, Food Preparation and Nutrition & Art Textiles
  • Miss Markwell - Teacher of DT & Food Preparation and Nutrition & Health and Social Care
  • Mr Ludlow - DT Technician

Course: WJEC Level 1 / 2 Engineering

The Level 1 / 2 Engineering specification provides learners with a more practical alternative to GCSE study.

The qualification introduces students to the various strands available within the engineering field, providing learners with the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and understanding through tasks set in realistic work-related contexts.

Engineering Level 1 / 2 Award (IVQ) is split into units and the assessment is both internally and externally.
The Award consists of three mandatory units. Internally assessed work is completed within school and adopts the principles of controlled assessment.

Unit Guided Learning Hours Assessment
Unit 1 (9791): Engineering Design 30 GLH Internally assessed and externally moderated
Unit 2 (9792): Producing Engineering Products 60 GLH Internally assessed and externally moderated
Unit 3 (9793): Solving Engineering Problems 30 GLH Externally assessed
Exam weighting: 25% Examination 75% Coursework

Assessment: Student’s coursework and exam are assessed at the end of year 11; the work is externally moderated by the teachers and external moderators.

Content: We currently offer the WJEC/Eduqas Level 1/ Level 2 Award in Engineering in Key Stage 4.

The qualification is built from discrete units and each unit has an applied purpose which acts as a focus for the learning. It is also the means by which learners are enthused, engaged and motivated to study engineering.
The applied purpose provides the opportunity for authentic work-related learning and it will require learners to consider how the use and application of their learning impacts on individuals, employers, society and the environment. Learners will be able to learn in such a way that they develop:

  • skills required for independent learning and development;
  • a range of generic and transferable skills;
  • the ability to solve problems;
  • the skills of project-based research, development and presentation;
  • the fundamental ability to work alongside other professionals, in a professional environment;
  • the ability to apply learning in vocational contexts.

This qualification provides learners with an engaging and exciting platform for learning whilst indirect access to real work experiences will help them to develop a greater understanding of how the programme relates to the wider world of work. This provides levels of inspiration and expectation for the learners that will help them focus on potential progression pathways within the Engineering and other related sectors.

The curriculum is delivered in a way that links and builds on other KS4 subjects and continues to develop previous subject learning, preparing them for the internal assessment and the synoptic external assessment. All topics are cross referenced to examples and experiences in industry to enable them to build and reinforce the learning process.


All specialist materials are provided.

Students need their own scientific calculator, pencil, ruler and pen.


At Key Stage 3 students are set 2 pieces of homework per rotation.

At GCSE students are set homework tasks to complete alongside regular keyword checks.

Google classroom is used to set homework.

Enrichment Opportunities in Engineering


We have visiting engineers and companies who lead workshops with our students in school. Students have the opportunity to ask questions and to meet the engineers in person.