GCSE Results & Post-Results Services
Summer 2024 GCSE results will be issued to students on the morning of Thursday 22nd August 2024. The results will also be sent out via email on the afternoon of the 22nd August for students who were unable to make it into school.
We trust you will be pleased with your results. However, should you have any concerns, we encourage you to discuss them with a teacher, head of department, Exams Officer or the Careers Officer. We will be able to advise you on your options and next steps. This might include explaining how your grade was reached, requesting a review of marking, explaining options for resits and, finally, the possibility of asking us to appeal your result.
The PRS form below relates to post-results services that the exam boards offer, such as:
- clerical checks (checking all parts of the script have been marked, the totalling & recording of marks)
- reviews of marking (a post-results review of the original marking to ensure the mark scheme has been applied correctly)
- access to exam scripts (e.g. accessing copies of exam scripts to determine whether or not to request reviews of marking)
Before we can request any of these services on your behalf, you must sign and return the form to us, confirming that you understand that grades are not protected, meaning a grade could go down, stay the same or increase as a result of a review. Fees also apply for many of the services, payable per paper rather than per subject, and are listed on the reverse side of the form.
More information on results and Post-results services can be found in this JCQ overview.
Exam Certificate Collection
Summer 2024 exam certificates will be made available for students to collect from the main Visitor Reception of Mangotsfield School on the following dates/times:
- Wednesday 4th December 2024 from 3.15-5.15pm
- Thursday 5th December 2024 from 3.15-5.15pm
After these dates, any uncollected exam certificates can be collected on term-time school days between 8am and 4pm by prior agreement - please email the Exams Officer at man-exams@cset.co.uk to arrange this.
Exam certificates are legal documents and students are required to sign to confirm receipt of their certificates. If students are not able to collect them in person, they can complete and sign the tear-off slip in the attached document (or create their own version) and pass it to the person they authorise to collect the certificates on their behalf, ensuring that this person hands the slip in to us and brings photo ID with them as proof of their identity.
It is each student’s responsibility to collect their certificates. Certificates not collected within five years of their release may be securely disposed of. Replacement certificates are not generally available for GCSEs and examination boards may charge for replacement certificates of other qualifications (if they offer a replacement service at all). If your GCSE certificates have been disposed of then your only option may be to contact the exam boards for a 'Certified Statement of Results'. Please note that Mangotsfield School will not pay the cost of any replacement certificates or Certified Statements of Results.
Certificate Collection Tear-off Slip (for when an authorised person collects certificates on a student's behalf):
KS4 Pre Public Exams (PPEs)
At Mangotsfield School, we want to make sure that our students are in the best possible position when it comes to sitting their final GCSE exams at the end of Year 11.
To do this, we give all our students the opportunities to sit 'formal' exams throughout their time at Mangotsfield School. In Key Stage 3, students sit their end of unit exams in their classes. When the students begin Key Stage 4 it is important that our students are ready for the whole exam experience and will sit Pre Public Exams (PPEs) in the exam hall with their year group. This experience ensures that students have a clear idea of what they need to address before they begin Year 11. During Year 11, students will normally sit two further sets of PPEs. By doing this, our students have overcome their anxieties about working for a sustained period in the exam hall, understand the pressures that they will face in their 'real' GCSEs and have had support and guidance to ensure that they are fully prepared.
Dates of PPEs:
Year 11 PPE1: Tuesday 5th - Friday 15th November 2024
Year 11 PPE2: Tuesday 25th February - Friday 7th March 2024
French/German Speaking mocks: TBC (Expected to take place during March 2024)
Year 10 PPE: Monday 23rd - Friday 27th June 2024
Summer 2025 Exam Timetable
Exams start on Thursday 8th May and finish on Thursday 19th June 2025, with a contingency afternoon set for Wednesday 11th June and a contingency day set for Wed 25th June in case of substantial disruption at a local or national level. When planning holidays, please ensure you are available throughout this exam period including the contingency days!
By the end of Term 2, the Summer 2025 exam timetable, specific to Mangotsfield School, will be found below, for your reference. (Please note that if students are sitting additional exams in their home languages, these will not appear on this timetable and will be confirmed to the individual students involved at a later time.)
Year 11 Exam Support and Revision
Please visit our dedicated web page for a revision timetable, booklet and more.
Year 10 and 11 Subjects Overview
Details of all Year 10 and 11 subjects, qualification types, exam boards and QN codes can be found here:
Access Arrangements and Special Consideration
If a student's normal way of working in class involves some kind of additional support, they should be eligible for Exam Access Arrangements to be put in place for their official exams. If the student goes through difficult personal circumstances during the exams, Special Consideration may also be applied for.
The following links outline the most common Exam Access Arrangements that can be put in place for exam candidates and the Special Consideration process:
Entry for Formal Exams
Students will receive a Statement of Entry and an Individual Candidate Timetable; they must check these very carefully to ensure that their entries are correct. If students have any queries regarding their entries, they should speak to the subject teacher / subject head and for any exam organisation queries, please speak to the Exams Officer.
By being entered for formal exams, students agree to abide by the regulations of the exam boards. Copies of the current Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) regulations are shown below. Students must read these carefully and note that any break in examination rules or regulations could lead to disqualification of some/all qualifications. The school must report any breach of regulations to the relevant awarding body.
- IFC-Coursework Assessments 2023 FINAL
- IFC-NE Assessments 2023 FINAL
- IFC-On-Screen Examinations 2023 FINAL
- IFC-Written Examinations Sep2023 FINAL
- INFC - Privacy-Notice
- JCQ-Preparing-to-sit-your-exams-2023 24
- JCQ-Social-Media-Infographic-v4
- Unauthorised Items Poster
- Warning to Candidates Poster
Exams cannot be rescheduled. Medical evidence will be required from a doctor or hospital if students are too unwell to attend an exam. If they are delayed or unable to attend an exam through illness, they must contact the absence line immediately and get a message to the Exams Officer.
If any problems arise during the exam season, students should speak to the appropriate person as soon as possible:
Exams Officer: David Pool man-exams@cset.co.uk
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (For Exam Access Arrangement queries): Katharine Merchant man-send@cset.co.uk
Head of Year 11: George Vincent georgina.vincent@cset.co.uk
Attendance at Exams
Students are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of each exam. There are strict rules regarding late entry to the exam room and students may not be able to take the exam if they are late. If a student arrives more than one hour late for an exam, the board must be notified. In such cases the board reserves the right not to accept the student's paper.
Students are responsible for checking their own timetable and arriving at school on the correct day and time.
If students miss an exam without good reason, parent/carers will be charged the full examination entry fee.
Students are to wait quietly outside their exam room until they are invited to enter by the exam staff.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure they are fully equipped for all exams. Equipment must be brought in a clear plastic pencil case or bag. Any compass set or other container must also be completely see-through (both the base and the lid).
- Black pen plus a spare
- Pencil plus a spare
- Pencil Sharpener
- Ruler
- Rubber
- Calculator
- Protractor
- Compass
Students must write in black ink. Most exam papers are electronically scanned and blue ink is not suitable.
Students must not remove any equipment or paperwork from the exam room other than their own possessions. It is an offence to remove exam materials from the exam room.
Watches and Mobile Phones, etc.
ALL WATCHES, mobile phones and any other potential technological / web-enabled sources of information must be switched off and left in the student's bag at the back of the exam room. Possession of such unauthorised items or these items being left on / switched on is a serious offence and students will be escorted from the exam room if their device is found on them or left on / switched on. This could result in DISQUALIFICATION from the examination and overall qualification.
Food and Drink
Students are allowed to bring a transparent, non-coloured bottle of water into the exam room. The label must be removed and a sports cap is recommended. Students are generally NOT allowed to bring in any other food or drink into the exam room.
Please do not write on exam desks! This is regarded as vandalism and students will be asked to pay for any damage and clean the desk. Do not graffiti or write offensive comments on exam papers. If students do, the exam board may refuse to accept the completed paper.
Students must enter the exam room in silence and face the front when seated at their exam desk. Students must not communicate in any way with other students in the exam room at any time for any reason. If an invigilator believes students are communicating, this will be reported to the exam board and the board may decide to reduce the marks or ban students from any future exams.
During the examination, if students have a query or problem that is unrelated to the content of the paper, they should put their hand up and wait for an invigilator. If additional paper is required, students must also put up their hand to attract the invigilator's attention.
Dress Code
Students are required to attend every exam shown on their timetable in the business attire that they normally wear in school (Year 11 only) or in full school uniform (Year 10 / 11). The school reserves the right to refuse any student admission to an exam if they are not dressed appropriately.
What if ...
I haven't got an exam timetable but everyone else has?
Check with your subject teachers if you have been entered for any exams. You can collect a copy of your timetable from the Exams Officer. Your timetable is personal to you so do not just turn up to what your friend is doing.
I have an exam clash?
Depending on the total length of the exams arrangements will be made for you to take the exams one after the other, either in the morning or afternoon session. You will be supervised between the exams as you will still be in exam conditions.
I have an appointment on the same day as an exam?
You will need to change the appointment! Exams have to happen on the date and time specified by the exam board.
The fire alarm sounds?
You will be instructed by the invigilator to stop writing, close your exam paper and answer booklet. You will remain seated and in silence. If you are instructed to evacuate the room you must do so in silence and follow the instructions of the invigilator. Once you are re-seated, the exam will restart and you will be given the full working time set for the examination and the board will be informed of the events.
I fall ill during an exam?
If you feel unwell during an exam, raise your hand and wait for an invigilator to come to you. You may be able to be given a supervised rest and to discuss your options with school staff.
I need special consideration?
The school can request special consideration in exceptional circumstances. Please talk to your teacher, tutor or the Exams Officer for information or advice.
Examination Policies
Our exam-related policies are viewable here:
- Access Arrangements Policy 2023-2024
- Access to Scripts Reviews of Results Appeals Procedures 2023-2024
- Alternative Rooming Arrangements Policy Exams 2023-2024
- Candidate Identification Procedure 2023-2024
- Candidate Late Arrival Policy 2023-2024
- Certificate Issue Retention Policy 2023-2024
- Complaints Appeals Policy Exams 2023-2024
- Emergency Evacuation Policy 2023-2024
- Equalities Policy Exams 2023-24
- Exam Absence Policy 2023-2024
- Exam Contingency Plan 2023-2024
- Exams Archiving Policy 2023-2024
- Food Drink Policy 2023-2024
- Internal Appeals Procedure Internal Assessment Decisions 2023-2024
- Internal Appeals Procedure Reviews of Results Appeals 2023-2024
- Leaving Examination Room Policy 2023-2024
- Malpractice Policy Exams 2023-2024
- Managing Behaviour in Exams 2023-2024
- Non-examined Assessment Policy 2023-2024
- Overnight Supervision Arrangements Policy 2023-2024
- Special Consideration Policy 2023-2024
- Word Processor Policy 2023-2024
For other school-wide and trust-wide policies, please see our Policies webpage.